No more excuses
We’ve all stepped away from leadership summits, training seminars, and big “life-coaching” experiences with plenty we’d like to change in our lives. We make new, bold, larger-than-life commitments and feel like this time, we’ll actually follow through. And then real life comes knocking, meetings resume, and our massive commitments fade further and further into the background. That’s why, during our Culture Rise events (formerly Seneca Leaders ), we take leaders through an exercise of building out micro-commitments. Simple, ultra-small steps that lead to big changes over time.

Micro-commitments worksheet
This downloadable micro-commitments worksheet will walk you through the same process we use during Culture Rise (formerly Seneca Leaders) to help make all of your “big” commitments “tiny”—so they’re actionable and attainable.
Companion Podcast
While there are a million reasons to invest in your company's people and culture, there are always going to be reasons not to. In this episode we dig into some of the common excuses we commonly hear about why business leaders choose not to take on a culture transformation in their organization. This may just be our saltiest episode yet.