Chapter 13
people, process & technology
In order to strike a balance between process and behaviors, we developed a set of Operating Principles. Put simply, our Operating Principles became our way to put our values and behaviors into practice, get things done, and reinforce our culture of love—simultaneously. Operating principles give us a chance to clearly state what should and should not be done while also offering guidance on how everyone can contribute through their decisions and actions.

Operating Principles Overview ebook
This downloadable PDF highlights Softway’s eight Operating Principles and showcases how your organization can create tangible and action-oriented ways of reaffirming your vision and values.
Companion Podcast
Whether you’ve been going Agile for years, or you’re just now starting the transformation - an organization’s journey into Agile is not an easy one. In this episode, we talk about what makes an Agile transformation so difficult and what every business should be focusing on to really make Agile work. Spoiler alert: love might have something to do with it.