Chapter 11
We are better together
All of us have felt the effects of un-psychologically safe environments. Especially in meetings or team huddles. When someone does something to destroy psychological safety (unintentionally or not) it’s awkward at best and demeaning at worst. That’s why we’ve created a simple, handy checklist that can be used pre, during, and post-meeting (in-person or virtual) to make sure your behaving in a way that's uplifting and supportive of your co-workers.

Psychological Safety Checklist
This downloadable PDF was crafted from our own personal experiences at Softway, and include some simple but powerful psychological safety reminders.
Companion Podcast
Have you heard of the “Platinum Rule”? Our guest in this episode, Kandace Cooks, introduced us to this concept. She has devoted her life and career to following the Platinum Rule, and we have an amazing time diving into this concept - and how we might apply it to our lives. And of course, what’s love got to do with it?