A healthy company culture is the backbone of a successful company. It’s an environment where people feel empowered and excited to come to work.
Does that mean a healthy culture creates a workplace utopia?
The answer is “of course not.”
Nobody wakes up excited to go to work every single day. No company has a workforce composed of flawless communicators. Creating a culture of love and support is messy. That’s just part of being human.
Here’s the difference between a healthy culture and an unhealthy culture:
In a healthy culture, you might wake up feeling dread about an aspect of your job that day. But that feeling doesn’t represent the entire experience of your work life.
You may have messy interactions with a teammate. But you don’t spend most of your time frustrated and unequipped to address problems.
Finally, you may not feel passionate about every aspect of your job. But overall you believe that your skills are put to good use and the work you do matters. There’s no such thing as a workplace utopia where every day is sunshine and roses.
However, with a healthy, supportive culture, you can create a workplace where people thrive.